get roofing reports for your business in seconds

With a few clicks, you can see your team's sales perfomance, win rate, average job value, and most profitable lead source.


User pre-built reports...

Use our report templates to see the metrics that every roofer needs to grow.

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Delaurier roofing images 30 roofing followup


Or build your own.

Customize reports to include sizing, orders, and other metrics that matter most for your business.

James head of sales at proline roofing followup

James, Head of Sales

James here! Want to see what this could look like for your business? Schedule a demo to see our invoices in action.

See trends in real-time with graphs and charts

Get a snapshot of what's changed in your roofing business. That means you can identify problem areas in a instant... or sit back and admire your business's growth.

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Make your next move based on what's best for your business.

Schedule a demo for a dive into our reporting features. Our Sales rep will show you how to set up ProLine like the pros.